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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

human cloning

The contemporary issue of human cloning unleashed a whole slew of principles I didn’t even know I had. The issue definitely challenged my new found moral principles on human cloning for the reason that some people support it. I feel like growing extra body parts and organs is one thing. But, growing an entire person is a gigantic can of worms we don’t really need to open.
 It gives me anxiety just thinking about it. Being able to select genes would create a whole new kind of responsibility. I also feel like it takes all the fun out of having a baby. Well I’m not saying its all fun but you know what I mean. Anyway I feel like it’s a special thing to see “whose eyes” and “whose nose” the baby has. To me selecting jeans makes it feel less like a   baby and more like a designable character on a videogame.
Then you get into the whole issue of actually cloning people. Do clones have rights? If so do they have the same rights as everybody else? Do they have the right to their own bodies? Are they even really people?
Although I do support growing new organs and body parts for ALREADY living people, I guess I would say I lean more toward Leon. Not for all the same reasons as him but for the fact that he was against it.